Minimalist in Kansas City
Minimalist, a person who advocates or practices minimalism. That sounds great doesn't it? Simple, easy, and effortless. We live in a very fast world and if you're like me you probably
wear many hats. I'm the mother of three and I also own and operate Clothz Minded a Secondhand Collection™ Boutique. Between running my business, housework, toddler tea parties, emails, paperwork, fixing dinner for my little family, oh and lets not forget the endless loads of laundry, I stay pretty busy! I need simple, easy and effortless and I need it now!

I've recently been on the quest to simplify our home, our
dinner menu and my closet! Technology is helping me organize
paper work and the back office of my business. I've almost mastered a minimalist dinner menu with clean eats and I'm currently flirting with the idea of a capsule wardrobe. I say "flirting" with the idea because it has't been easy to part with certain pieces in my closet but I'll tell you what, these three lovely ladies are making it super easy for me. Their
minimalist style
is simple yet chic and
they make it look
completely effortless!
If you love to support local Kansas City musicians then you just might recognize our first minimalist fashionista, Julia Hail! Julia is truly an amazing and talented artist and sings with The Buhs and Hi-Lux, both local Kansas City bands! By day Julia is the assistant manager at Cole Haan which explains her timeless style and that great Cole Haan leather backpack!

Julia has been a customer at Clothz Minded and I have always been in love with her style. The best way for me to describe her style is bohemian meets minimalist. I had the opportunity to ask Julia a few questions about her style, like where did she find that amazing ring! "The ring is a jade cicada that was made by a local jewelry maker. I found it at Cowtown Mallroom, it's one of my favorite pieces!" Julia said. Julia, how would you describe your style? "I like to be comfortable.
Sometimes comfortable is a t-shirt and jeans and sometimes it's a a tiny dress and heels. It's all how I feel. I've collected a lot of statement pieces but try to have well made basics on hand, with a lot of patterns worked in." I love that Julia mentioned "well made basics" because that's what
minimalism is all about!

Our next Kansas City minimalist is Tammy Saum. Tammy has been a loyal Clothz Minded customer and every time she walks through our doors we are blown away by her fierce effortless chic style. She has perfected minimalism and always looks great! Tammy is a Salon Partner with Salon Service Group, providing the most talented stylists and salons in Kansas City, MO with the tools and luxury products they need to be successful.

I had the opportunity to ask Tammy a few questions about her style, like if she had anything in her closet that she could never part with and Tammy said "I'll never get rid of those items that hold sentimental value. My leather motorcycle jacket, vintage jewelry from family and friends, and car club belt buckles (VLPR.)"

Tammy has such a great sense of style so I had to ask her how she would
describe her style? "Knowing who you are and not giving a damn. My personal style is reflective of various times and phases, and has remained fairly consistent over the years. I look for silhouette and cut. Sharp clean lines. Edge and detail. It has to be interesting. Never big on "brands" or "labels." It's more a mood that inspires my choice or direction. Although, Alexander McQueen gets me every time.:
Our next minimalist in Kansas City is Ruby Montoya is also a Clothz Minded customer and she works as a producer and marketing assistant for a food photography studio here in Kansas City. Ruby says she is "inspired by French minimalist and culture". She also loves a great thrift market find! One of her favorite finds is her vintage black leather Coach bag. She snagged that timeless beauty for only $3.99! Ruby is venturing into the world of minimalism and its the perfect cross body bag that goes with just about anything!

Ruby is someone who you want to keep your eye on because she is also an inspiring entrepreneur! She not only wants to make minimalism a lifestyle but also a business. Everyone needs to jump over to her site and sign up! You can find her website at
Sign up and stay in the loop for what this young woman has in store for the future of building a capsule wardrobe!

So as I bring this blog post to a closing I have to say I am inspired to get home and reevaluate my closet again. All three of these ladies are killing it when it comes to the art of minimalism and making basics looks so chic and put together. I think its a process to live a minimalist lifestyle and its one that I am enjoying venturing into. Something to always keep in mind while cleaning out your closet and perhaps even your home is to always think quality over quantity. This mindset can also save you money and help you from over spending. Have a plan when reconstructing your wardrobe. Put a list together of the items you are in search for and do not settle for anything less than that perfect item that screams "This is the one!" If you need help building a capsule wardrobe than please reach out to us here at Clothz Minded because we are always excited to help! Happy hunting!